by Alexandre Pérez Casares
The ‘Age of the Cognitive Machines’ is the most drastic economic transition since the Second Industrial Revolution. This transition is driven by the confluence of multiple technological innovations –such as advanced robotics, machine learning, and the exponential growth of computation capabilities and digital communication bandwidth– which result in the ‘Rise of Intelligent Machines’, understanding ‘Machines’ as a concept beyond its physical connotations, and leveraging a change of paradigm in machine intelligence, an evolution from ‘Turing Machines’ to ‘Inference Machines.’
The new paradigm is unleashing extraordinary progress in a wide range of applications, from healthcare to transportation and even the justice system; at the same time, these new forms of intelligence are making decisions in complex ways that escape the limits of human comprehension.
by Christian Pristipino
“In humans, very strong interactions between quantitative and qualitative dimensions occur, in which psychological, emotional, cognitive and cultural variables invariably influence disparate biological processes within every bodily system. The result is the need for a combined bio-psycho-social/environmental approach to complex phenotyping. This more comprehensive description is achieved with systems medicine, which will enable a real transition to a more personalized model.”